Word Tips
Did you know that:
Using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Home will bring you to the top of your document, and that hitting just the Home key will bring you to the beginning of the line.

Did you know that:
Using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+End will bring you to the end of your document, and that hitting just the End key will bring you to the end of the line.

Did you know that:
Double clicking a word will select the word

Single clicking to the left of a line of text will select the entire line

Double clicking to the left of a paragraph will select the paragraph

Triple clicking to the left of the text will select the entire document

Did you know that:
Using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Enter will force a page break.

Did you know that:
You can easily save your document as a PDF file.
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Typing away!

Upward Business Systems  -  Mike Ingber

Computer Consulting Services - Oxford, CT - (203) 888-7369

Upward Business Systems - Mike Ingber
Computer Consulting Services
Oxford, CT